Pocantico Society

Membership Benefits

Visit private homes and estates, see extraordinary personal art collections, hear talks by prominent authors and historians, and take insider tours. Your exclusive benefits as a member of the Pocantico Society also include dinners, cocktail receptions, and other opportunities to become part of an active community dedicated to Historic Hudson Valley’s work.

Pocantico Society members have:

  • Cruised the Hudson on the Forbes yacht, The Highlander
  • Visited John D. Rockefeller Jr.’s fabled Park Avenue apartment
  • Taken a curator-led tour of the American Wing at the Met
  • Explored Fieldwood Farm, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller III’s Hudson Valley estate

Pocantico Society Member Benefits

  • Complimentary admission to Historic Hudson Valley properties including Kykuit, the Rockefeller Estate
  • Invitation to the annual Pocantico Society holiday dinner at private homes, fine restaurants like Blue Hill at Stone Barns, and Historic Hudson Valley properties
  • Passes to The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze that can be used on any date, at any time, without reservations, as well as a special invitation to the Blaze VIP Open House reception with seasonal comfort foods and pumpkin-inspired treats
  • Exclusive opportunities to visit private homes, see personal art collections, hear relevant speakers, and take insider tours
  • Invitations to an annual gathering at one of our historic sites

Pocantico Society Benefactor-Level Member Benefits

Benefactor-level members of the Pocantico Society enjoy transformative, intimate events, such as these memorable encounters:

  • The late David Rockefeller welcomed the Benefactors to his East Side townhouse
  • Martha Stewart has hosted a Halloween dinner for the Benefactors at her Bedford farm
  • Leonard Lauder and his late wife, Evelyn, have invited the Benefactors to their Fifth Avenue apartment to see their collection of cubist works by Picasso and others

Please contact Kristi Hennessy, Donor Relations Manager, for information about joining the Pocantico Society:

914.366.6922 or khennessy@hudsonvalley.org.