We have more than twenty years of experience developing and leading programming for schools and teachers about northern slavery and its legacy.

Our education department maintains expertise on the state of the field through ongoing research and conference participation, as well as through the Northern Slavery Collective, a network of historic house museums and institutions interpreting slavery founded by Historic Hudson Valley in 2018. We work in partnership with local schools to provide field trips (virtual and in-person) as well as teacher professional development workshops throughout the year.

School Programs

Digital History Projects

Professional Development Workshops

Lesson Plans

Teaching About Slavery

NEW! Interactive Graphic Novel

Kofi’s Fire: A Spark of Resistance

Kofi, who was enslaved by the Philipse family, was accused of being one of the ”ringleaders” of the so-called ”New York Conspiracy” in 1741, when many African and white colonists were charged with plotting to burn Manhattan. Drawing from court documents and records, this new experience shares the story of the revolt, Kofi, his community, and their collective struggle for freedom.

Current Offerings

Traffic Alert for Sleepy Hollow Visitors: Please Allow Extra Travel Time.Read More