Virtual Vote Like A Girl

The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. Women’s suffrage was a hard-won victory, a result of women—and men—across the country demonstrating, protesting, and petitioning the government. But the passage of the 19th Amendment did not guarantee equal rights for all. Many Black Americans were effectively prohibited from voting until the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Vote Like a Girl celebrates the power of individuals to make a positive change in the world. Explore the stories of trailblazers who have not let discrimination stand in their way. Learn how to conduct an interview with a person you admire, to unearth powerful stories from the past. Try your hand at STEAM activities, inspired by women from history. And most important, be empowered to follow your dreams!
Vote Like a Girl is part of the Women’s History Institute at Historic Hudson Valley. Learn more about this initiative, which illuminates the contributions of women, throughout time, in our region.
Vote Like a Girl BINGO — Can you get BINGO? Use this card to explore our Vote Like a Girl resources and more.
Voices of Girls at Sunnyside — Have you ever wondered what it was like to grow up in a different time? Explore letters written by the nieces of Washington Irving that tell us about what life was like for them in the 1800s.
Vote Like a Girl STEAM Activities — Women have a long history in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) fields. Explore some of these amazing women and channel their legacies with some fun, educational activities.
Vote Like A Girl Oral History Activity — Learning about the experiences of all different kinds of people is an important part of researching the past. Get the entire family involved in discovering their role in history by sharing and collecting your own life stories.
Women’s Fashion in the 19th Century — Step back in time and explore the complex wardrobe of women dressing to impress in the 1800s.
Remembering the Past in the Future: A Diary of 1860s Irvington, New York — Take a peek inside the diary of Susie Van Wart Storrow as she chronicles her daily activities as a young woman living in the Hudson Valley.