A New Short Film on Kykuit and the Rockefeller Family

In collaboration with The Pocantico Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Historic Hudson Valley is excited to share Kykuit – The House and Gardens of the Rockefeller Family.
This new short film allows a global audience to explore the house, grounds, and world-class art collection at Kykuit, the estate built by philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Sr., founder of Standard Oil. Watch it to learn about the generations of the Rockefeller family who called the estate home, from John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his wife Abby Aldrich Rockefeller to Governor Nelson Rockefeller, as well as their unique contributions to the art collections and landscape.
Kykuit is operated and maintained by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as a center for its philanthropic programs. Historic Hudson Valley offers public tours of the house and gardens from May through November. Tour tickets can be purchased in advance online.
For more information on The Pocantico Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, visit https://www.rbf.org/pocantico.